My own interesting browser stats...

Well, we run several web sites on our departmental SunFire server, but the two most popular ones are the departmental web site for Earth & Planetary Sciences and our informational meteorite site that is linked by scientific sites all over the internet. Today I was looking at the browser stats for both sites (for the months of May and June 2009) and noticed quite a substantial difference between the two: Departmental Website Internet Explorer 49% Mozilla Firefox 40% Safari 8% Chrome 2% Others 1% Meteorites Website Internet Explorer 68% Mozilla Firefox 25% Safari 5% Chrome 1% Others 1% I know that the meteorites site actually receives more than twice as many hits as our departmental site and it gets a lot more hits from from "non edu" sites, so it most likely better represents the general browsing world as a whole. Our departmental site gets a lot more hits from within Washington University and also from other universities and from people interested in our academic progr...