Distributing the Wealth with the Craigslist Free Section

I will have to admit that I love Craigslist , and I have used it well both for buying and selling things. We have only purchased one item via it (my son's Wii which was a great deal!), but have sold and just plain given away a lot of items using it. The most intriguing section for me is the "free" section which he have used primarily to get rid of unnecessary things. It is amazing how you can post an item for $20 and nobody will want it, but if you post it for free you will immediately get 15 respondents in a few minutes. In the past two weeks we have used Craigslist to get rid of our old lawn mower which had worked but was damaged when a part fell off and the blade sliced into it (ouch!), and also my son's old bike which he actually outgrew a couple years ago. In both cases I just e-mailed the person interested and told them to pick up the item in the front of our house where we left them. So I never actually met the people who received our lovely, former possession...