No more Parking Permit for me!

I finally did it and turned in my Yellow Washington University parking permit and am now completely mass transit dependent. Now that my daughter is enrolled here as a student and no longer working at our library , I had no reason to drive as we had been doing all summer (since she was not eligible for a free U-Pass as a temporary summer employee) . We will now save $40 a month on parking, take one more car off the mid-county roads during rush hour, and save a spot in the university's parking lots and garages for other folks. Previously this past Spring I had been driving to the Metrolink garage in Brentwood, but now I am even stopping that and just walking to the bus and either taking #58 to the the Clayton Metrolink, or taking #2 from Brentwood all the way to campus. If we want to keep the buses rolling we should all try to use them! I do not understand why the Metro buses always seem so empty, and yet the Metrolink trains are always crowded (primarily with Wash U/BJC folks). I ...