New "Get Back" Calculator - Find the Yield Needed to Return to the "Good Old Days"

I received an e-mail message today from someone looking for an online financial calculator to see what kind of return he would need on an investment to get it back to where it was in the past, before the big market slide of the past few years. Some people think if your investments go down a fixed percentage, say 20%, to get them back to where they were before you only need a 20% return, but that is not the case. You need a substantially larger percentage to increase that smaller balance back up to the value where it used to be. A drastic example is if your investment falls 50%, say your retirement portfolio falls from $400,000 to $200,000. To get back to $400K from $200K you then would need a 100% return to double that amount back up to where it was in the past. That is a pretty grim task to try to meet. So that is where my new calculator comes into play. You can either enter your fixed percentage loss, or just put your old balance and your new balance and I will calculate the bad ne...