Another election, another new tax

As a resident of Richmond Heights, I get to vote for the hotel tax they want to impose to the visitors to their three hotels, the Cheshire Lodge , the Residence Inn by the Galleria and the new Hilton Homewood Suites . The vote for this tax occurs on the same day that Clayton residences will be voting to impose a similar tax on their many more hotels. Both taxes are similar and will allow the cities to add up to a 5% tax on top of the already over 15% tax to bring the total hotel tax to over 20%. If every hotel in the metro area imposed this same tax would be one thing, but if the hotel taxes in Clayton and Richmond Heights are that much higher than other locales, I think some visitors would look to stay elsewhere. For example their is a new Marriott Springhill Suites in Brentwood which would not be imposing this new tax located only a mile or so south of the Residence Inn and also located close to a Metrolink station. Frankly, I think the best thing that could happen for Ri...