Cat Age versus Human Age Calculator

My wife was again at the St. Louis County Library trying to find a book that would interest me. She found The Secret Life of Your Cat since I am always pestering our overweight grey tabby named Slinky. I started skimming it and came to a big table showing the equivalent ages of cats and humans. It seems that once they are two years old they are equivalent to a 24 year old person and afterwards they age an equivalent 4 years for each year we age. When I saw that I thought -- online calculator ! I looked around and there are already a couple of them out there (like here and here ), but I wanted to write my own version anyway. Since the ones out there are both JavaScript based, I thought I would write one using JavaScript too, but that would be a bit fancier! My cat age calculator has little buttons that let you increment and decrement the initial age by months and years, and of course lets you convert either way (feline to human, human to feline). My conclusion is that our overweig...