YouTube to DVD Conversion Process

Someone in our department wanted a couple YouTube videos burned to DVD so I figured out how to do it without any new purchased software, so I thought I would document how I did it so I can always remember in the future. This first step is just to grab the YouTube videos to a computer, and my favorite way to do this is using the YouTube Downloader from BienneSoft. This is terrific, free software that downloads the Flash FLV files from YouTube so they are sitting on your hard drive. If you have a copy of VLC Media Player that is really all you need to watch YouTube videos offline, but if you want to watch them on a standard DVD player you must go a bit further. I took the files off my Windows PC and moved them to my iMac for the next step. Since I have an iMac in my office and I was familiar with iDVD, all I needed was something to convert the Flash FLV files into a format that iDVD could read. The easiest solution was to convert them to QuckTime MOV files, so I used FLV Crunch wh...