They Photoshop Celebrities, Why Not University Buildings too?

This morning I was reading the latest news on the site when I saw they mentioned our lovely new engineering building, Green Hall , that was dedicated yesterday. So I took a look at the article and noticed something odd. The photo that was included of the building had a lot more luxurious, green grass than that same building that I walked by late yesterday afternoon on my way to the Metrolink station! The article stated the photo was "Courtesy of Washington University" which means someone in our media department has been very busy with Photoshop! They added extra grass that is actually just brown dirt right now. Checking the ClayCo webcam confirms that they did not rush out and lay sod last night after I left, and there is still only those two strips of sod right next to the sidewalk. I have yet to be able to walk down the sidewalk but I plan on doing so soon!