Middle Class Income Calculator Online

During the presidential election there was a lot of discussion on helping the "middle class" while increasing taxes on the "upper class" to boost the economy. But how are these class differences defined? One interesting metric I heard about was that the middle class was defined as being two-thirds to twice the median household income. In 2010 that number was $59,127 which gave a middle class income range of $39,418 to $118,255 . However, this one number was being used to represent the whole country when we all know the median household incomes vary substantially throughout the country. Therefore, I decided someone needed to create an online " middle class income calculator " based on the median income data which is publicly available . My calculator lets you enter a household income amount (your own, or whatever number you would like to compare) to see which tier this income level would be in any metropolitan area or state in the country (based on 201...