Numbers Cannot Lie, But People Can!

On this past Saturday, I received two note cards in the mail about the Proposition 1 tax increase for the Ladue School District . The first was from the district itself and spelled out the same old facts I had already heard. The second piece was much more interesting, a flyer from that spelled out exactly how much my tax would increase for next year and then tried to convince me to vote NO for the proposition. I flipped over the card to read the arguments, and was surprised to see some which seemed to contradict the well known facts given the on the district proposition site . The first claim was pretty surprising -- declining enrollment. I knew as a fact the middle school had the largest enrollment in years while my son was just there, so I thought I would check the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education site which should know the facts. They had a nice synopsis of every school district in the state, including one for Ladue. I have in...