Maximizing My $30 Netgear Rebate Card

Back on January 6 of this year I ordered a 24 port Netgear Gigabit switch for our building which only cost $199 from NewEgg and also came with a $30 rebate which would be shipped as a $30 VISA debit card. Almost three months later the rebate card actually showed up last Monday so I thought I would try to spend it wisely for the department. Since my son was on Spring Break from his high school last week, he accompanied me to work last Wednesday and I appointed him the task of trying to maximizing the $30 debit card for "stuff" for the department without going over $30 (so we would not have to charge the rest to my university Pro-Card which would be a pain.) However, he looked at wireless mice (which I consider a waste for most cases here in the department) and other unneeded items since he considers supplies like wired mice, ethernet cables and blank CD's boring. In any case I wanted to see what I could find for a total of $30 to purchase for our department . I went t...