Combating Crime and Being Enviromental At The Same Time!

Last evening my wife and I were taking a leisurely walk around our lovely tree lined suburban neighborhood, knowing full well that just a few weeks ago a woman was kidnapped and abducted just a mile away at Brentwood Square. And several days after that Megan Boken was murdered in the middle of the day in the heart of the Central West End, and several medical students robbed nearby , and then some people robbed outside Busch Stadium. And now just yesterday we heard a woman was abducted right here on the Danforth Campus of Washington University at 9:30pm and another woman was attacked outside Saint Louis University. These assaults in unexpectedly "safe" places have a lot of people alarmed, and we were discussing what can be done about it. It is especially scary that the criminals seems to like to target young college aged women, who they probably think are good prey. With the semester just starting at Wash U and other colleges, it is again open season on and near campus....