Saint Louis Country Library Proposition L Tax Increase - A No Brainer, but I Can't Vote For It!

Being a responsible citizen, I was all ready to vote for the St. Louis County Proposition L in November to help update the county library system when I realized we cannot vote for it. Even though we are active County Library users, because we live in Richmond Heights and they have their own library, we are being taxed for the Richmond Heights Library . Therefore we do not pay any taxes on the county library system. Since we are not taxed for the county library system, the proposition will not be on our ballots when we vote on November 6. In reality we prefer visiting the County Library with its huge headquarters on Lindbergh (which we visit weekly) since it is still very close to us and almost as quick of a trip as the RH city library. Since we are still country residents we can use either library and we prefer the county system with its much larger selection of offerings. But just because I cannot vote for the proposition, does not mean I will not do my part to help pr...