Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") Healthcare Premiums For Every County in the 34 Federally Managed States

Since I work for a large employer who provides us with our healthcare, I do not need to look up the premiums for what it would cost us under the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") for health insurance through the new federal healthcare marketplace. However that information is now available online at for the 34 states whose marketplaces are being run by the federal government (my state of Missouri is included.) The site has been incredibly loaded since October 1 when the plans were first released, but they do provide a spreadsheet with all the premiums for every county in those 34 states. But that spreadsheet has almost 80,000 records which is a lot for Excel or LibreOffice Calc to digest, so I have decided to create my own little Affordable Care Act premium web application to make it easier for people to find the information for any county in the 34 states. Just select your state and your county and it lists all the options in a very plain web page t...