St. Louis County School Districts and the Results of Breitenfeld vs. Clayton

It is going to be very interesting to see how everything plays out this fall for all the school districts in St. Louis County following the ruling of Breitenfeld vs. The School District of Clayton . Essentially now anyone with children in the Riverview Gardens or Normandy School Districts can request to have their children attend any other school anywhere else in St. Louis County. This could be a huge mess if a large number of the 10,000 students in the two districts decide to transfer, with funds having to be transferred from the two unaccredited districts to the hosting districts, and then students being shuttled all over the place, also at the expense of those two failing districts. The southern corner of the Normandy district is actually not too far from Clayton too. That would be a steal to be able to purchase an inexpensive home in Normandy and then be able to send your children to Clayton schools , when folks just a block or two away in University City could not. I know our...