Great St. Louis School Article - Terrible Way to Show the Data!

Today (i.e. the Post-Dispatch) had a very informative article posted about the new Missouri standards from the Department of Elementary & Seconary Education for rating the performance of schools. The new system (called the MSIP5 ) uses a 140 point system to rate all the school districts to determine how well they are doing. The Post article lists all the schools in a big chart that could be sorted either alphabetically or by percentage, but you truly cannot see the big picture without charting them all out like I did above. A similar article on KMOX contained hardly any data at all. In reality the vast majority of the school districts are doing a fine job with 43 out of 53 fulfilling 80% of the requirements and 47 out of 53 fulfilling 70% of the requirements. There are only six districts not meeting at least 70% of the state goals. Three of those are very close, Ferguson-Florissant at 69.3%, University City at 66.8% and Jennings at 65.7%. To meet 70% (the lev...