Hurray for Lazy Opponents!

Yesterday was election day here in our area and the one issue that concerned us the most was the Proposition R for the Ladue School District . This was a $85 million bond issue to renovate the high school which needs to be significantly updated. The proponent group has been very active and vocal (they even tried to recruit me) so I was guessing the proposition would probably pass, and it won in pretty good style, 4459 for and 2505 against for a 64.03% approval rate, well above the 57.14% needed for passage. But what struck me at those numbers was not how many people voted for the proposition, but how few voted against it. We had a bond issue vote in 2010 and then a general operating expense vote in 2012 and the numbers for and against those issues shows an interesting contrast: For Against Total Percent 2010 4717 3092 7809 60.40% 2012 4754 4255 ...