Interesting Statistics on Missouri Medical School Admissions

The recent article on the medical school at the University of Missouri-Columbia possibly losing its accreditation, made me curious of the demographics of the current medical students at the four medical schools within the state, and also prospective undergraduates who may be applying to the schools. Some quick Google searches led me to a bunch of interesting tables at the Association of American Medical Colleges which shed some light to the diversity of medical students in Missouri. The first thing I noticed on the AAMC site was some tables of the racial breakdown of students from various undergraduate programs who apply to medical colleges. In Missouri, there is only one undergrad program that produces 15 or more African-American graduates that apply to med school, Washington University with 20. There are, in fact, only three undergrad programs in Missouri that produce more than 100 Caucasian-American med school applicants. Below I have a table I compiled of medical school ...