Washington University Tops Another National Ranking!

Median Household Income of Selected Colleges and Universities I was pretty intrigued when a new study appeared last week which highlighted Washington University in a not so great light, but I was a bit surprised how local journalists analyzed the results. An article in the New York Times first reported on the new study which puts Wash U at the very top of colleges where the top 1% (in terms of income) outrepresent the bottom 60% in household income. The numbers are based on some older data, but in the article 21.7% of Wash U students come from the top 1% ($630K+ income) compared to only 6.1% from the bottom 60% (<$65K.) The Wash U administration uses these numbers to pat themselves on the back and boast how in just four years they are projected to more than double that 6.1% number to 13% (still a pretty paltry figure.) But what both recent Post Dispatch and Student Life articles tend to do is focus too much at the top and bottom of the socioeconomic data, and skip the much ...