Washington University Park-E-Geddon or Carfuffle 2017 - The Danforth Campus Parking Saga

Permit pricing pulled from the Town Hall presentation Many exciting things have been happening in the world lately, but in the small bubble that is Washington University in St. Louis , one of the biggest topics of discussion lately is extremely mundane - parking ! This May after graduation, the parking lots on the east of Danforth Campus are going to be closed and ripped up to make way for an underground garage and some new buildings . What that means is that parking on-campus will be at a premium so it was time for a new parking strategy on campus. There is a lot of new information online but one thing that they had not presented (until yesterday) was the actual pricing for permits next fiscal year. The numbers were finally revealed in a Town Hall meeting and their online summary is deeply hidden on their site, so I will summarize here in an easy to find location! One thing some of us noticed was a slide saying that "most" permit prices were only increasing 6%-12% so ...