New Free Church Play site moved to WordPress on HostGator

At the beginning of this month Google decided that our old Google site dedicated to our free church play scripts had to be updated so we decided it was time to do as Google asked and update it. The options there were pretty limiting but I was able to migrate all the content and the 13 script pages we had there into a new format Google site. One thing we noticed, however, is that it would not allow me to put any Google Adsense ads back on it, and once I read around I realized nobody could add Adsense ads to Google sites since 2013, and we were only allowed to keep our ads intact because our site was opened up before 2013 (it was created back in 2009) and we were grandfathered. So today I decided to migrate the whole thing to WordPress which is easier to use anyway and allow Google to place ads back in it. I am hosting it on my same HostGator site that hosts my calculator site where I can actually run a number of WordPress sites. My " Dead Reckoning " estate planning site ...