Samuel UCC St. Patrick's Corned Beef Dinner returns March 4, 2023

After a three year absence, we are happy to announce the Samuel United Church of Christ St. Patrick's corned beef dinner is back for 2023. We will be having our dinner this year on Saturday, March 4 , from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm . The menu will consist of premium corned beef from Kern Meat Company, along with assorted side dishes (typically in the past it has been cabbage, potatoes, carrots and Irish soda bread.) The meal also includes beverages and our homemade dessert bar of treats created by friend and members of Samuel UCC . Neither Samuel UCC or Kern Meat will keep any of the donations, 100% will go to the local St. Louis chapter of Habitat for Humanity to provide affordable homes for local families. Samuel is donating the space, beverages, desserts and labor and Kern Meat is providing the food for the meal and their guidance in preparing the meal to their restaurant level standards. Here is an interesting article from St. Louis Magazine in 2019 about corned beef in St. Louis ...