Received Aaron Shust's "Whispered and Shouted"

I actually received my autographed copy of "Whispered & Shouted" last Monday (a day before the official release!) and I was happy to see it was also put in a DigiPak like "Anything Worth Saying". Since I typically only play the original CD a few times (I prefer to mix my own copies to burn on CD-R's) the DigiPak's should last as long as plastic jewel cases and are definitely less likely to break at the hinges. Aaron again wins another award for thickest CD liner note booklet around. He dedicates one page to the lyrics for each song and another page with personal notes and background about each song. You can also find his lyrics on his site or at my site too!

One interesting change I noted in the new massive liner notes was whereas last time he put relevant Bible quotes in the upper right corner of the pages with lyrics, this time he actually embeds the bible verse references directly in the lyrics on the lines where the verses are relevant. Neat. I may have to add his songs to my Steven Curtis Chapman & Casting Crowns Bible Verse Search Engine since he is another artist who puts Bible verse references in every album. Our third service tries to find relevant songs that match the Gospel readings and "theme" for each service and I am trying to compile as large of a database as I can!

Incidentally I was curious if he would still be selling "Whispered & Shouted" for only $9.95 on his site after the official release date, and it seems he still is. Someone also told me you can buy the album at Family Christian stores for about the same price ($9.97) but you do have to pay tax at a local retailer. I checked the Family Christian web site, and although they do have many good albums there for the $9.97 price (including Jeremy Camp's "Beyond Measure", the Newsboys' "Go" and a bunch of Third Day titles), "Whispered & Shouted" is $11.97 there. At, however it is $9.77 and "Anything Worth Saying" is only $7.97. So if you buy both albums the total will be $17.72 plus $4.95 S/H for a total of only $22.67 for both CD's! Hey, if you spend $100 at the shipping is FREE!!!


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