Google Chrome for Linux beta and the new I-64

Well, the fine folks at Google released the Linux and Mac beta versions of Chrome to the public, so, I, of course, had to go grab a copy for my Ubuntu box. I noticed the version of Chrome that I just installed is whereas the latest Chromium (from on my Ubuntu box is 4.0.367.0 so they are definitely being conservative with the beta release. I can not tell any difference as a user between Chome and Chromium (as there should not be much difference!) so I am not sure which one to use all the time. The version 4 now supports extensions, but I am not sure if I really want to install any, since if I want to load a browser with a bunch of extensions I'll just use Firefox. I prefer to keep Chrome/Chromium as my stripped down, fast commuter browser.

And speaking of commuting, it was great that the new highway 64 (aka highway 40) has opened this early in December. I do not even drive the highway to work, but I could tell that Forest Park Parkway looked less crowded yesterday from my view on the Metrolink train as did Clayton Road and Brentwood. The best news for me personally, though, is that now both Eager Road and Musick (Meridian) Drive behind Best Buy next to the Metrolink parking garage are now much emptier too. It is now much easier to turn left out of the garage and then turn left onto Eager and take Eager across Brentwood Blvd. I just have to stay in the right lane on Eager and I do not have to cross three lanes of traffic and try to avoid the line of crazies trying to get off southbound 170 who used to go northbound on Brentwood from Eager. The number of roads going every which way right there is pretty staggering when you think of it, and it is amazing there have not been more accidents there.

I have also been checking to see how full the Richmond Heights Metrolink parking lot has been in the morning, since I have considered parking there too. It seems when the train shows up there at 7:50am the small lot there is almost always either full or just has a handful of spots left. If you look nearby, there are some very large, rather empty surface parking lots that could be used for commuter parking, but I know they are owned by other local businesses and developers and are all fenced off. I am sure the Meridian developers must have received some nice compensation for allocating a bunch of floors of their garage for Metrolink parking. Couldn't these businesses in Richmond Heights get a similar deal?


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