All Hail the Lucid Lynx! (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS)

Today I was trying to apt-get a package onto my linux desktop when I realized it was taking forever to connect to the Ubuntu APT repository. But that made me think, "Is today the day?" And sure enough with a quick Google search, I realized today was indeed the day of the final release of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS , the Lucid Lynx! Since it was such an exciting event I thought I should join in the fun and download a copy to play with tonight. I grabbed the torrent and started up bittorrent to get my own copy of the desktop i386 ISO image. It is nice to be using bittorrent to download open source software -- which is what it is legally supposed to be used for (not for movies, pirated software, music, etc.) I booted my old iMac on the freshly burned CD and it fired right up to a very purple desktop. There are a bunch of new features to play with that should keep me quite busy tonight. I used to maintain the repository of Ubuntu ISO images here at Wash U, but the infamous WUARCHIVE se...