Time to Vote X 2

Today is it! The big election day in St. Louis County for Proposition A has finally arrived for the public transportation sales tax. That means the Chancellor can stop sending letters and e-mail to every student, their family, university employees and alumni reminding us to vote. I am not sure how many Wash U messages I have received reminding us to vote, but it may have matched the mailings reminding my daughter to apply to the university in the first place. What would the St. Louis county postal service would do without Washington University to keep them busy all the time? And in keeping with the transit mindedness of this election, I will just take off a little early and take public transportation to my polling place to cast my vote, and then walk home afterwards. It looks like a beautiful day to do so today. I should just feel lucky that I am someone in the county who is able to take advantage of public transit to commute and get around the area. Hopefully once the proposition is passed and more services are restored to their 2008 levels, more people will be able to do so.

My other chance to vote today is tonight for American Idol. I never have voted on the show, but week after week I am amazed to find Tim Urban back again for another week. Unfortunately, there is no way to directly vote somebody off the program. Plus there are not any others amongst the less talented contestants on the show who I would want to vote for to try to keep instead of Tim. For example, Didi from last week was not worth saving, but neither is Katie or even Aaron (or Andrew, for that matter.) But I am not writing my posts on American Idol here, but on my new Idol Blogger 2010 blog instead, just to see how many people will read it! I love testing out new things on Blogspot and Google, even letting my cat, Slinky, have his own blog, The Life of Slinky the Cat. Yes, I definitely spend too much time on my computer...


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