Retirement Asset to Salary Ratio Calculator and More!

Today I received an e-mail message from my friends at TIAA-CREF who holds the bulk of my retirement assets. Included was an interesting webinar that talks about a retirement asset to salary ratio that can be used to see how well you are saving for retirement especially after stocks took the big hit in 2008/2009. When I saw that I knew it looked like an on-line calculator in the making to me, but TIAA-CREF did not have one on their site! So I knew I had to create one. First I interpolated their graph so you do not only have every 5 year increments on the retirement, but every year in between, and then I calculated the ratio for anyone who wants to enter their asset balance and salary (since dividing two numbers is so much work!) If you are going to make the 70% or 90% of salary goals I tell you, and if not I tell you now much more you need to get there. Hey, it sounded like a fun little calculator for me to write, so here it is.

I also saw that Firefox 8 was just released and when I was checking to see what new updates were added I found an article that mentioned that Firefox and Chrome are just about tied in usage and Chrome should pass up Firefox soon. I thought I would check out our log files on our rather popular website here at the university,, where you can learn everything you want to know about meteorites! That site had over a million hits in October which should be a pretty good sampling of hits and more than twice as many as my own (about 400K hits in October). Checking the meteorites site, however, I realized that neither Chrome for Firefox was the #2 browser there, it was Safari:
1) Internet Explorer: 46.1%
2) Safari: 21.0 %
3) Firefox: 19.3%
4) Chrome: 10.7%
So I thought I would check's logs to see if the same profile existed since the audience there is a bit different, but the numbers were rather similar:
1) Internet Explorer: 44.1%
2) Safari: 22.3%
3) Firefox: 14.8%
4) Chrome: 9.7%
Perhaps both my sites are more popular among folks with Apple products than the typical sites, especially being more "academically" minded, but I found it interesting that Safari was so popular on both sites. I did break down the Safari usage to find out that 51% of those hits are from a Mac of some sort, 37% are from Safari on Windows machines, and about 12% are from iPhones and iPods. I never realized Safari was so popular!


Seth M. Davis said…
How about tweaking the calculator to allow inputs for the assumables: salary growth, investment return and annual contribution percentages? :)

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