No Exit! - Summer 2018 at Washington University in St. Louis

No Exit! Just try leaving our building!
We are lucky that most of the students, faculty and staff at Washington University in St. Louis are very bright, motivated individuals. Otherwise they would never be able to navigate around the east end of campus this summer to get where they need to go. This summer the east end is truly a mess with both ends of Brookings Hall being closed off, as well as the area just north of the Brown School of Social Work as well of the area south of our building, Scott Rudolph Hall, which just a few weeks ago was still a lovely landscaped area. Just last week I heard a terrible noise outside my window and saw an earth moving construction vehicle ripping up the concrete sidewalks next to our building.

Scene from Rudolph Hall, May 25, 2018 - One Week after Commencement
So now we only have one fully available entrance/exit to our building, the door to the west leading to Compton and Crow (Physics) so we must plan our trips across campus carefully.

Current East End Construction Map - May through August 2018
For example to get to the Brown School to catch the West Campus shuttle, we can no longer cut through Brookings. Instead we must first cut through Physics (Crow), then Math (Cupples), cross the quad, and then either go through or around Busch to get to Brown Hall to make it to Goldfarb and the shuttle stop. That is not the same straight path that it was a few weeks ago.

Current Fastest Route to West Campus Shuttle stop from Scott Rudolph Hall
Luckily by August 27 there is supposed to be a change of the fencing so we can again go through Brookings to effectively walk from the west entrance of Rudolph to Goldfarb by only needing to go through one building (Brookings)!

August 27, 2018 construction map
In any case for the 2018-2019 school year, I am switching my transportation to just use the Metrolink and the Occasional Parking Program, dropping the ParkSmart option. Parking at Brentwood and just walking from the Skinker stop to our building is a lot easier than dealing with the shuttle and then trying to figure out how to cross campus.

By October 15 the east and south entrances of our building will open up, and by January 14, 2019, the front of Brookings is supposed to be completed so that will really open up the front of campus. I can hardly wait!

October 15, 2018 construction map
January 14, 2019 construction map


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