New Semester, New Students... New Sidewalk at Washington University

A new semester started this Monday on the Danforth Campus of Washington University in St. Louis, but along with the new faces within our building there was also new construction outside our building. A brand new sidewalk now connects the sidewalk between our building (Scott Rudolph Hall) and Physics (Crow/Compton) and the northern door of Brookings Hall. There is also now a large mulched area just west of the sidewalk, just east of Cupples I (Math), which I am hoping will eventually be filled with some lovely plants of some sort and maybe even some benches or statues (who knows?)

This is the first time the northern door to North Brookings has been open since the week after commencement, as well as the stairway into the northeast corner of the quadrangle. Now I am just waiting for them to open the southern door near my office in Rudolph Hall. Since the undergraduates have returned I have now seen multiple students staring at their cell phones walk straight through the first set of double doors that say "No Exit" on them and then 5 seconds realize they cannot exit that way. Yes, that door was open in May but not now! Just because you can see Brookings Hall through the window does not mean you can actually walk there from the southern side of our building.

I have decided the new sidewalk should be named after a recently retired individual who used to work in Alumni Development in North Brookings, but I am waiting for her to donate a large sum of money to the university first (probably will not happen.)

October 15 (Monday after Fall Break) is the expected "opening of the door" date which will also be when our eastern door is supposed to be open as well. Since the August 27 date was right on the money, I am guessing that they will meet that deadline as well. The end of our summer of construction entrapment is getting near!


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