Online Auction for Saint Louis Habitat for Humanity


Our St. Patrick's Dinner  was very successful and we raised over $10,000 for the Saint Louis chapter of Habitat for Humanity. Now we are hosting an online auction in partnership with other area United Church of Christ congregations to help raise more money for Habitat to provide affordable housing in the area. 

One of the items up for auction is a hand crocheted cat Afghan (30" x 64") made by my wife, Penny. She put a lot of hours into making it, so we are hoping it helps raise some much needed funds for Habitat. There are more than 50 other items up for auction, and we will mail them some of them. Hopefully most of the bidders will be in the St. Louis area, but it appears some folks from other locations are bidding on the St. Louis Blues hockey tickets.

We will be curious to see how much we can raise. BiddingOwl is a very easy platform to use, and if anybody wants any pointers feel free to ask me about it since I was the person to set ours up and posted all our items. 



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