The Easiest Way to prevent SSH attacks
Yes, I discovered the easiest way to prevent SSH attacks om Linux/Unix boxes -- you turn simply it off! There are some systems where I am the only person who ever uses SSH to connect to them to a shell prompt so I just kill the daemon and make sure it is not set to automatically start on reboot. So what happens when I want to connect? Well, I have a little CGI script I wrote to turn SSH back on (using a hidden password protected URL), and then I log on, and then the SSHD daemon gets shut down again. (Once you are connected you do not need sshd to be running.) So people cannot break through the SSHD server since it simply is not running, and I just have it run for 5 minutes for me to logon whenever I want. Simple, isn't it? Another similar tactic to drastically reduce attacks is to set crontab to turn on and off sshd for specific times. If nobody ever uses SSH at 2am Monday morning, why does it need to be running then? The only things connecting to the SSHD server then are internati...