The Banana Hammock -- our Million dollar idea!
One of the gifts I received this past Christmas was an inexpensive banana tree from WalMart where we can hang a bunch of bananas so they do not get all bruised and mushy on the table. The problem, of course, is what happens when there is only one banana left? The solution: the banana hammock! My daughter, who is now a freshman in the engineering program here at Wash U, pondered the problem over winter break since she had a month off with little to do. While she was at home she designed and implemented a simple wire design to hang a single banana from the tree when it is the last one on the bunch. So today, we were finally down to one banana after I had taken banana #2 here for lunch. My wife took a picture of the remaining banana in the hammock and e-mailed it to both my daughter and myself. Such is the value of technology these days! I just had to share the picture here because I am such a geek. If anybody wants to purchase their own incredible banana hanger we will custom build you one for a low, low price!