The latest from KNOPPIX and my upcoming House Sale
I noticed yesterday on Distrowatch that a new KNOPPIX (Release 6.0) came out yesterday so I thought I would take a look at it. I hadn't really used KNOPPIX much for a few years since it has lost its novelty of being the premiere Linux LiveCD back in 2004 or 2005. Since that time, just about everything comes out as a LiveCD or has a LiveCD version, and KNOPPIX truly has not done much to keep itself ahead of the pack. The new version uses LXDE as its window manager and incorporates ADRIANE to help the visually impaired and novice users. I was not so interested in ADRIANE, but I thought I would see what they did with LXDE and how that would run on an old 866MHZ PIII (Dell Dimension 4100) I just happened to have in my office. It seems to boot up fairly well and LXDE does respond pretty well on the old PIII system, but I was wondering why I couldn't just run LXDE on Ubuntu. I poked about on Google and found PUD which is an Ubuntu based distro running LXDE made to run small and fa...